Ice cream anyone? Tamariki use their imaginations at Kidsfirst Wales Street.
Much was changing for kindergarten in the 1970s. There would be a new emphasis in early childhood with the recognition of children having rights, evident by the 1979 UNESCO Year of the Child.
There was also a move towards more parental involvement and “freeplay” as opposed to the structured curriculum routines of the past. This was when Kidsfirst Wales Street came into being.
In some ways this was a golden era for kindergarten as it spread into the suburbs and truly found a niche within local neighbourhoods. Embedding itself as a central point of support and congregation for the community.
Kindergarten was often the focus of the community in the days before there were local shopping malls or large sports centres. Life was more community focused and kindergarten was at the heart of that.
It’s a testament to Kidsfirst that kindergarten has remained just as relevant today and such a key part of the communities we serve.
Cutting the anniversary cake, celebrating 25 years of Wales St Kindergarten.
Tamariki line up in the big backyard to perform a waiata and some kapa haka.