This kindergarten joined Kidsfirst when the Central Otago Kindergarten Association became part of our Association.
A snow day is not an uncommon occurrence at Kidsfirst Maniototo, and the kindergarten looks spectacular with a dowsing.
We’re still digging through the cupboards and opening old boxes, talking to current and previous teachers and piecing together the story of our kindergarten. It’s not always easy to remember everything, or to find that photo album from years ago – but we’re looking, and loving what we’re finding.
Visit this page again soon and you’ll see a whole lot more about the road that’s brought us to where we are today.
And if you have anything you think we’d like to see, please send it to us.
Kidsfirst Maniototo’s big backyard has always reflected the environment of their community – complete with a Musterer’s hut.
The kindergarten celebrates it’s 5th birthday – kaiako Deb McNally cuts the cake, with some help.